Sunday, April 25, 2010

March for Babies Walk 2nd Annual!

We walked for the March of Dimes today with friends, Tony and Holly and their 3 girls(they have a good idea what our life is like!). Their daughters, Ali and Anna, were also born premature and are another set of miracles. We walked in Minneapolis and the turn out was much better than Lake Phalen in St. Paul last year. We were lucky that it did not rain on us like last year. As a team, we raised over $1000 for the March of Dimes! Thanks to all who donated:). The 6 girls did an awesome job on the walk (you never know what to expect with 6 little ones ;))! It was great to see so many supporting such a great charity. Hopefully, someday, all babies will be born healthy. Our next walk will be May 1st, 2011!

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